It’s time to bring in more Joy, Fun, Happiness and Magic!

You’re ready for a change, aren’t you?

Are you feeling stuck and like it’s time for a change?

Tired of hearing your own voice wear you down?

Do you look in the mirror and not even recognize the women looking back at you?

I get it and I’ve been there. I’m here on the other side ready to guide you to unlock that Inner Goddess who has been hiding inside waiting to come out.

Imagine feeling so amazing in your own skin!

Imagine only saying good things about yourself!

Imagine how amazing you will look when you really tap into your bigger potential!

Imagine just being happier!

Get your copy of the IDENTITY IDENTIFIER GUIDE TODAY and unlock the first step your future you today!

Uncover how this will work for you BOOK A CALL with me today!

Work with Rebecca

  • 1:1 Coaching/Hypnosis

    The perfect choice for a personalized plan that is tailored specifically to your goals and lifestyle.

  • Courses

    A great way to explore new depths of you at your own pace or in a group setting

  • Live Events

    Begin your journey by gaining access to the live webinars and events.


Create a plan that works for you

Through the Identity Evolution Program, we will work together to create a major shift in your mindset and ultimately increase your happiness where you can create and achieve goals you set out for yourself—By blending coaching, hypnosis, and engaging home activities, your confidence will increase and you will see results happen fast!

This is your sign to let out your INNER GODDESS


Improving your relationship with yourself from the inside out!

Try something new

Do you want to get more out of life and have more fun?

This is where hypnosis comes into play. Hear me out, the tool of hypnosis is used in so many aspects and it can only upgrade your life from here. Let’s see how it will benefit you the most.

The possibilities are ENDLESS

  • Gaining confidence

  • Increasing focus

  • Decreasing stress and anxiety

  • Weight loss

  • Quit smoking

  • Releasing old mental clutter or baggage

  • Finding your superpower.

    Whatever that specific issue is for you let’s chat!


Let’s hang out on Insta together!

Instagram is where I love to spend most of my time and my favourite platform to be on.

Check out my profile @rebeccawagnercoaching

I share a lot of content that makes you think in a different way, inspires you, and gets you to take action.

Once you get there and follow be sure to DM me to say “Hey”